Research Grants

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Dr. Ahmed receives an award from KBR
On May 19, 2023, Dr. Ahmed received an award from KBR to model advanced field effects of transistors.

New members in the Consortium for Embedded Systems at SIUC
Dr. Tragoudas established the Consortium for Embedded Systems at SIUC in the summer of 2022. This center has been approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. By May 2023, AMD, Ameren, and Collins Aerospace have joined the consortium and funded research activities in the area of embedded computing systems.

Dr. Asrari - NSF recommendation for funding
On April 19, 2023, the Director of the Energy, Power, Control, and Networks program at the National Science Foundation, recommended funding Dr. Asrari’s Engineering Research Initiation proposal on remedial actions against cyberattacks on the power grid. The focus of the project is to address the following research question: “How to react to cyberattacks on load tap changing (LTC) mechanism of autotransformers within power distribution systems to tackle the intended voltage collapse”. Within this scope, the research's first objective is to investigate LTCs' vulnerability to cyberattacks targeting voltage collapse in distribution systems. Obtaining this objective as a prerequisite for distribution system operator will result in a sophisticated attack model, that bypasses state estimation-based bad data detection, based on which realistic remedial actions can be developed. The second objective is to design primary/backup reaction mechanisms to mitigate the voltage collapse caused by the attacked LTCs. To obtain this objective, several algorithms will be created to design a primary remediation technique based on distribution network reconfiguration customized by a deep learning framework. The primary reaction scheme will be supported by a backup electricity market-based mechanism, where distributed synchronous generators will optimally contribute to the mitigation of cyberattacks in the regions of the system not fully alleviated by the network reconfiguration. Finally, the third objective of this research is to perform hardware-in-the-loop experimental validation of the proposed remedial actions on a lab-scale smart microgrid.

NSF awards a new research center at SIUC in the area of IoT
On March 15, 2023, the National Science Foundation established a new Industry-University Cooperative Research Center. It is entitled Center for Intelligent, Distributed, Embedded, Applications, and Systems (IDEAS). The participating universities are Arizona State University (lead), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and the University of Southern California. Dr. Tragoudas will be the site director at SIUC.

Dr. Anagnostopoulos – co-PI in a Workforce Development Grant
On the 12th of January, 2023, a team of SIUC faculty, among them Dr. Anagnostopoulos from the school of ECBE, received a grant from the University of North Texas on a workforce development grant using deep learning.

Dr. Bae- NSF recommendation for funding
On January 9, 2023, the Director of the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology program in the Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Division at the National Science Foundation, recommended funding Dr. Chilman Bae’s Engineering Research Initiation proposal to investigate the role of a channel modulator in inflammations. Piezo (Piezo1 and Piezo2) mechanosensitive channels play important roles in diverse physiological processes, including hearing, touching, and inflammation. This project aims to investigate the roles of the new Piezo1 modulator on inflammation. This aim will be achieved by: i) identifying and characterizing a novel Piezo1 activator, which will generate a fundamental platform for future mechanosensitive channel studies; ii) developing a capacitance clamp technique that is critical to study the biomechanical properties of mechanosensitive channels and providing an electrophysiological platform for studying ion channels; iii) developing a cultured astrocyte cell model for inflammation studies; and iv) providing the underlying mechanism of inflammation. The major outcome of this project will be the discovery of a novel therapeutic strategy for treating inflammation by targeting Piezo1. This project will promote research and education in neuroscience, developmental biology, and immunology.


Dr. Lu receives a grant from the US Department of Labor
In September 2022 Dr. Lu received a workforce development grant from the US Department of Labor. This grant has a duration of one year.

Modeling of Advanced Field Effect Transistors, PI: S. Ahmed, $15,815.00, 5/19/2022 - 12/15/2022, KBR/FFT Air Force Research Laboratory.

Language and Literacy Appropriate Safety Training and Educational Materials Development for Youth in the Construction Industry, PI: C. Lu, Co-PI: Q. Huang, $75,000, 9/30/2021 - 9/30/2022, U.S. Department of Labor.


Dr. Baduge – co-PI of a NASA-funded award

On October 20, 2021, a team of SIUC faculty, among them Dr. Baduge from the school of ECBE, received notice from NASA that their Phase 1 proposal to NASA’s deep space food challenge program was funded.

CAREER: Design, Optimization, and Feedback Control of Noncontact Magnetic Manipulators, A. Komaee, $16,000, 05/01/2021 - 02/28/2025, National Science Foundation.

CAREER: Design, Optimization, and Feedback Control of Noncontact Magnetic Manipulators, A. Komaee, $80,712.00, 02/05/2021 - 02/28/2025, National Science Foundation.

An Explainable Deep Learning Approach with Application to Autonomous Vehicles, PI: S. Tragoudas, Co-PI: H. Wang, $50,000, 1/15/21-12/31/21, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by Ford, GM, Intel, Rockwell Aerospace).

Determinism of Critical Tasks on Multi-Core Platforms in the Presence of PHM Data Operations, PI: D. Kagaris, Co-PI: I. Anagnostopoulos, $50,000, 1/15/21-12/31/21, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by Ford, GM, Intel, Rockwell Aerospace).

Enhancing Vehicular Applications using Adaptive and Synergistic Resource Management, PI: I. Anagnostopoulos, $50,000, 1/15/21-12/31/21, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by Ford, GM, Intel, Rockwell Aerospace).

Dr. Chao Lu receives Energy Boost Seed Grant
In April 2021, Dr. Chao Lu and a collaborator received a $25,000 Energy Boost Seed Grant from SIUC to develop low-cost, all-iron, all-soluble batteries.


Language and Literacy Appropriate Training and Educational Materials Development for Youth in the Construction Industry, PI: C. Lu, Co-PI: Q. Huang, $75,000, 9/2020-9/2021, U.S. Department of Labor.

HABs Early Mitigation by Magnetic Photocatalysts, PI: J. Liu, Co-PIs: B. M. Goodson, R. Li, K. Chen, 10/2020-09/2021, $24,991, Environmental Protection Agency.

CAREER: Design, optimization, and feedback control of noncontact magnetic manipulators, A. Komaee, $500,000, 03/01/2020-02/28/2025, National Science Foundation.

Design, optimization, and feedback control of noncontact magnetic manipulators (REU Supplement) A. Komaee, $16,000, 05/19/2020-05/18/2021, National Science Foundation.

Real-time Deep Learning systems on FPGA and GPU platforms for Autonomous Vehicle Applications, PI: H. Wang, Co-PIs: S. Tragoudas, I. Anagnostopoulos, $50,000, 1/20-12/20, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by AMD, Ford, GM, Intel, Los Alamos National Labs, Rockwell Aerospace).

Cascading neural network models. PI: S. Tragoudas, $50,000, 1/20-12/20, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by AMD, Ford, GM, Intel, Los Alamos National Labs, Rockwell Aerospace).

CC*Networking Infrastructure: Enhancing SIUC Campus Cyberinfrastructure to Accelerate Data-Driven Research and Education, PI: K. Chen, Co-PIs: S. Bridges, N. Yang, T. Imboden, and N. Weng, $399,923, 7/2020-6/2022, National Science Foundation.

Personalized and reliable ambient computing systems, PI: S. Tragoudas, $50,000, 1/20-12/20, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by AMD, Ford, GM, Intel, Los Alamos National Labs, Rockwell Aerospace).

Enhancing the Reliability of Machine Learning Object Detection Systems for Autonomous Vehicles, PI: S. Tragoudas, Co-PI: H. Wang, $50,000, 1/20-12/20, NSF IUCRC Center for Embedded Systems. (Funded by AMD, Ford, GM, Intel, Los Alamos National Labs, Rockwell Aerospace).