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2024 News

Spring 2024

Dr. Mehdi Ghasemiraghi joins School of ECBE

Dr. Ghasemirahaghi has joined the School of ECBE starting in the Spring 2023 semester. Dr. Ghasemirahaghi recieved his BS in Computer Engineering from Ferdowsi University of Mashad in 2010, his MS in Computer Engineering from Shahid Beheshti University in 2012, and his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Arizona State University in 2024. Dr. Ghasemirahaghi's lab focuses on Internet of Things, energy-aware computing, adn computation offloading at the edge.

2023 NEWS

Fall 2023
Dr. Steven Blair joins School of ECBE

Dr. Blair has joined the School of ECBE starting in the Fall 2023 semester. Dr. Blair recieved his BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale in 2016 and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2018 and 2022, respectively. Dr. Blair's lab focuses on research inimage-guided cancer surgery, biomedical optical imaging, spectral imaging, fluorescence imaging and label-free imaging.

Dr. Justin Pol joins School of ECBE

Dr. Pol also joined the School of ECBE in the Fall 2023 semester. Dr. Pol recieved his BS in Mechanical Engineering from University of Kentucky-Paducah in 2019, and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 2023 from University of Kentucky-Lexington. Dr. Pol's research interest include biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering.

May 17, 2023
Dr. Ahmed receives an award from KBR
On May 19, 2023, Dr. Ahmed will receive an award from KBR to model advanced field effects of transistors.

May 01, 2023
New members in the Consortium for Embedded Systems at SIUC
Dr. Tragoudas established the Consortium for Embedded Systems at SIUC in the summer of 2022. This center has been approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. By May 2023, AMD, Ameren, and Collins Aerospace have joined the consortium and funded research activities in the area of embedded computing systems. View current members.

April 19, 2023
Dr. Asrari - NSF recommendation for funding
On April 19, 2023, the Director of the Energy, Power, Control, and Networks program at the National Science Foundation, recommended funding Dr. Asrari’s Engineering Research Initiation proposal on remedial actions against cyberattacks on the power grid.

March 15, 2023
NSF awards a new research center at SIUC in the area of IoT
On March 15, 2023, the National Science Foundation established a new Industry-University Cooperative Research Center. It is entitled Center for Intelligent, Distributed, Embedded, Applications, and Systems (IDEAS). The participating universities are Arizona State University (lead), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and the University of Southern California. Dr. Tragoudas will be the site director at SIUC.

January 12, 2023
Dr. Anagnostopoulos – co-PI in a Workforce Development Grant
On the 12th of January, 2023, a team of SIUC faculty, among them Dr. Anagnostopoulos from the school of ECBE, received a grant from the University of North Texas on a workforce development grant using deep learning.

January 09, 2023
Dr. Bae- NSF recommendation for funding
On January 9, 2023, the Director of the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology program in the Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Division at the National Science Foundation, recommended funding Dr. Chilman Bae’s Engineering Research Initiation proposal to investigate the role of a channel modulator in inflammations.

2022 NEWS

Research Grants for 2022

This year our faculty recieved three new research grants from NASA, U.S. Department of Labor and KBR/FFT Air Force Resarch Laboratory for their studies. The receipients of these awards are Dr. Lu and Dr. Ahmed. For futher details on these awards see our recent research grants page.

July 01, 2022
Dr. Baduge joined an IEEE Transactions Editorial Board as an Associate Editor
In July 2022, Dr. Baduge joined the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Communications as an Associate Editor.

2021 News

Research Grants

2021 was a good year for the school. Our faculty recieved grants from NASA (1), NSF (2), Ford(3), and US Department of Labor(1). Dr. Baduge recieved the NASA award. Dr. Komaee recieved 2 career awards from the NSF for his work in control of noncontact magnetic manipulators. The Center for Embedded Systems recieved 3 grants funded by Ford, GM, Intel, and Rockwell aerospace through four of our distinguished faculty, Dr. AnagnostopoulosDr. KagarisDr. Tragoudas, and Dr. WangDr. Lu was awarded a grant from the US Department of Labor. For futher details on these awards see our recent research grants page.

December 01, 2021
Dr. Gayan Aruma Baduge named Best editor
In December 2021, Dr. Gayan Aruma Baduge was named the Best editor and reviewer appreciations of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society for 2021.

August 01, 2021
Dr. Asrari served as a Session Chair
In August 2021, Dr. Asrari served as a Session Chair in the 2021 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference.

July 01, 2021
Dr. Asrari and one of his Ph.D. students received a Best Paper Award
In July 2021, Dr. Asrari and one of his Ph.D. students received a Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Smart Grid held in Setubal, Portugal.

July 01, 2021
Dr. Tragoudas joined the Editorial Board as an Associate Editor
In July 2021, Dr. Tragoudas joined the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Computers as an Associate Editor.

June 12, 2021
Dr. Chowdhury receives NIH grant
NIH will be funding a $442,500 research grant at SIUC Engineering.

June 01, 2021
Dr. Arash Asrari was reappointed as an Associate Editor of IEEE Access
Dr. Arash Asrari was reappointed as an Associate Editor of IEEE Access (2019-present).

June 01, 2021
Dr. Tragoudas participated in an NSF panel
In June 2021, Dr. Tragoudas participated in an NSF panel.

May 13, 2021
Energy expert's interview with KSAT-TV in San Antonio, TX
Dr. Asrari had an interview with KSAT-TV in San Antonio, TX with regard to the recent power outage in Texas. Click on link above to see video interview and report.

April 01, 2021
Dr. Gayan Aruma Baduge won the Early Career Faculty Excellence Award
In April 2021, Dr. Gayan Aruma Baduge won the 2021 Early Career Faculty Excellence Award at SIUC.

February 19, 2021
Dr. Asrari shares his expertise on power grid failures
Dr. Asrari shares his expertise on power grid failures in an interview with an ABC reporter:

January 14, 2021
ECBE Alumni receives Black Engineer of Year Award
James Stewart, an ECBE alumni, member of the Industrial Advisory Council (IAC) for the school of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering (ECBE), and a Department Chief Scientist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, will soon be awarded a Black Engineer of the Year Award (BEYA) in the Modern-Day Technology Leader category.

January 05, 2021
Dr. Chao Lu granted US patent
On January 5, 2021, a US patent, entitled "Parallel Table-Based Bit Rate Estimator" was granted to Dr. Chao Lu and a Ph.D. student under his supervision for high efficiency video coding applications.

2020 NEWS

Research Grants

This year was extremely productive from the school of ECBE, being awarded nine grants over the year. These grants were given by US Department of Labor, Environmental Protection Agency, and seven NSF awards. These awards include Dr. Komaee's prestigious career award, along with other grants from six additional faculty. Dr. Lu, Dr. Chen, Dr. Wang, Dr. Tragoudas, Dr. Anagnostopoulos, Dr. Weng. For futher details on these awards see our recent research grants page.

December 14, 2020
Dr. Gayan Baduge receives best editor award
Dr. Gayan Baduge has received the best editor award by IEEE Communication Letters for his editorial contributions to submissions on Wireless Communications.

October 06, 2020
Best Paper Award
Dr. Themistoklis Haniotakis and his graduate student Konstantinos Poulos received a best paper award titled "A Built In Test circuit for waveform classification at high frequencies", at the 2020 IEEE 29th North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW).

May 19, 2020
Allison Mc Minn was named the 2020 Lincoln Laureate
In Spring 2020, ECBE senior Allison McMinn was named the 2020 Lincoln Laureate. Lincoln Laureates are outstanding seniors from each of the four-year degree-granting institutions of higher learning in Illinois and in the fall of each year receive the Student Lincoln Academy Medallion and become Student Laureates of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois.