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High Quality Research

All of our faculty members have doctoral degrees from major research universities.  They develop and sustain high-quality research programs and make every effort to involve students in their research as much as possible.  Many of our faculty members have national and international visibility in their respective fields of expertise.  Our faculty members have obtained prestigious research grants from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, and from high-tech industries. In addition, there are two research centers in the Department.

The Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering faculty support teaching and research in several areas of electrical, computer, and biomedical engineering including the following:

  • antennas and propagation
  • neural engineering
  • cloud computing
  • cognitive radio
  • computer architecture
  • computer networks
  • electronic design and test automation
  • embedded systems and control
  • biosensors
  • embedded systems software
  • internet of things
  • bioelectronics
  • large scale computing
  • many core computing
  • medical image processing
  • bio-MEMS
  • multi-core systems
  • nanoscale devices
  • neural networks
  • optics
  • photonics
  • power electronics
  • power systems
  • robotics, systems programming
  • VLSI
  • wireless communications
  • biomechanics
  • medical instrumentation

Research Centers

NSF approved the NSF IUCRC for Intelligent, Distributed Embedded Applications and Systems (IDEAS) in March 2023. The participating Universities include Arizona State University, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and University of Southern California.

The Consortium for Embedded Systems was approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education in 2022 at Southern Illinois University. The purpose of CES is to advance the field of embedded systems (hardware, software, and architectures) to new levels, often with advances in artificial intelligence, and serve the needs of its industry members that share advancements in application domains that include aerospace, automotive, microelectronics, and the modern power grid. The priorities of current member companies center around energy-efficient, fast, reliable, safe, and sustainable solutions.