Stem Cells

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June 12, 2021

NIH will be funding a $442,500 research grant at SIUC Engineering

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will be funding a biomedical research grant at SIUC Engineering. Dr. Farhan Chowdhury, an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, will receive an NIH AREA R15 grant for conducting research on regulating stem cell fate decisions. Stem cells are the source of unlimited cell supply for tissue engineering applications. However, how to engineer and control stem cell fate in a laboratory setting remains a big question. By leveraging novel tissue engineering approaches, the group will focus on engineering functional body cells that can be used for regenerative medicine purposes in the future. Both graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in this research. The 3-year grant is renewable through a competitive process.