Program Highlights

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Highlights of the Program

Highlights of the program include small classroom size, lab-based instruction, real worldcapstone design sequence, optional internships, co-ops and externships, national recognition, reseach experiences through industry sponsored research centers and federal/state/university funding. 

Summary of Highlights

  • Small classroom size.
  • Faculty-centered instruction.
  • Nationally ranked programs.
  • Excellent student retention and placement.
  • Up-to-date teaching laboratories.
  • Lab-based instruction.
  • Real world capstone design sequence.
  • Registered student organizations in the professional areas.
  • Optional internships, co-ops and externships.
  • National recognitions for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty.
  • Distinguished alumni in industry and academia.
  • Research experiences for undergraduates through industry sponsored research centers and federal/state/university funding.